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There are several devices used during the New Year for the water orgy. Here you see one of the more modern weapons, a high-powered assault weapon--and for children, the allure of modern weaponry is hard to resist. Most foreign tourists also choose the water rifle as the weapon of choice, though there are a few shortcomings: even though they have a portable reservoir, they are slow to reload; and, the stream is rather underpowered in comparison to the other weapons. 



Here is the poor man's water rifle, a simple device made from two lengths of PVC. It is easy to reload, simply put one end into some water and pull the other end, sucking in a small amount. However, this small amount goes far and fast when one end of the pipe is pushed. It is these plastic devices that are most likely to end up thrown in the trash when the revelries are over, as there is little other practical use for them.


And here is the ultimate, though archaic, weapon for the new year. As these people in the back of the car will tell you, there is nothing like an old-fashioned bucket in terms of sheer volume and overwhelming drenching--and also for using for other purposes after the new year is over.



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